These are the vocabulary words you are responsible for from Chapters 7, 8, and 9 (larger-font terms only). Note that you will be held responsible, on exams, for the term names when provided with the definitions (definitions are as found in italics on the pages reached by clicking on terms; exams can consist of more than just vocabulary word definitions, e.g., figure-based questions and bonus questions of various sorts are also permissible).
Use for studying for exam number 3.
Cell division, Genome, Chromosome, G1 (phase), S phase, G2 (phase), Metaphase plate, Cleavage, Cleavage furrow, Cell plate, Origin of replication, Cycle control system, Checkpoint, G0 (phase), Cyclin, Cyclin-dependent kinases (CdKs), MPF, Growth factor, Density-dependent inhibition, Anchorage dependence, Transformation, Benign tumor, Malignant tumor, Metastisis, Heredity, Genetic variation (variation), Genetics, Gene, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA (ribonucleic acid), Polynucleic acid (polynucleotide), Nucleotide, Pyrimidine, Purine, Deoxyribose, Ribose, DNA replication, Transformation, Bacteriophage, Phage, Virus, Antiparallel, Semiconserviative replication (semiconserviative model), Origin of replication, Replication fork, Helicase, Single-strand binding protein, Topoisomerase, Primer, Primase, Proofreading, Mismatch repair, Nuclease, Nucleotide excision repair, Heterochromatin, Euchromatin, Primary transcript, Triplet code, Template strand, Reading frame, RNA polymerase, Promoter, Transcription unit, Start point, Transcription factor, Transcription initiation (complex), TATA box, Transcription termination, 5' cap, Poly-A tail, RNA splicing, Spliceosome, Ribozymes, Alternative RNA splicing, Protein domains (domains), tRNA, Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, Wobble, rRNA, Anticodon, P site, A site, E site, Translation initiation, Translation elongation, Translation termination, Polyribosomes, Protein folding, Post-translational modification, Signal peptide, Signal-recognition particle, (Gene expression), Operator, Operon, Repressor, Regulatory gene, Corepressor, Inducer, Cyclic AMP, Activator, (Control of gene expression in eukaryotes), Differential gene expression, Histone acetylation, DNA methylation, Epigenetic inheritance, Control elements, Enhancer, RNA processing, Alternative RNA splicing, mRNA degradation, Proteasomes, microRNAs, RNA interference (RNAi), small interfering RNA (siRNA), Cellular differentiation (differentiation), Morphogenesis, Cytoplasmic determinants, Induction, Determination, Pattern formation, Positional information, Homeotic genes, Embryonic lethals, Maternal effect gene, Egg-polarity genes, Morphogen, Oncogene, Proto-oncogene, Tumor-suppressor gene, ras gene, p53 gene, Nucleotide-pair substitution, Silent mutation, Missense mutation, Nonsense mutation, Insertion, Deletion, Frameshift mutation, Mutagen, What is a gene?, Genetics, Character, Trait, True breeding, Hybridization, P generation, F1 generation, F2 generation, Law of segregation, Punnett square, Phenotype, Genotype, Test cross, Monohydrid, Monohybrid cross, Dihybrid, Dihybrid cross, Law of independent assortment, Multiplication rule, Addition rule, Complete dominance, Incomplete dominance, Codominance, Tay-Sacks disease, Pleiotropy, Epistasis, Quantitative characters, Polygenic inheritance, Norm of reaction, Multifactoral, Carrier, Cystic fibrosis, Huntington's disease, Amniocentesis, Chorionic villus sampling, Chromosome theory of inheritance, Wild type, Sex-linked gene, X-linked gene, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Hemophilia, Barr body, Genetic recombination, Parental type, Recombinant type, Recombinant, Crossing over, Genetic map, Linkage map, Map unit, Cytogenic map, Nondisjunction, Aneuploidy, Monosomy (monosomic), Trisomy (trisomic), Polyploidy, Deletion, Duplication (chromosomal), Inversion (chromosomal), Translocation (chromosomal), Down syndrome, Genomic imprinting Recombinant DNA, Biotechnology, Genetic engineering, Plasmid, Restriction enzyme, Restriction site, Restriction fragment, Sticky ends, DNA ligase, Cloning vector, Genomic library, Bacterial artifical chromosome (BAC), Complementary DNA, cDNA library, Nucleic acid hybridization, DNA probe (nucleic acid probe), Expression vector, Electroporation, Restriction fragment length polymorphism, RFLP, Southern blotting, Northern blotting, RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction), In situ hybridization, DNA microarray assay, In vitro mutagenesis, (Site-directed mutagenesis), RNA interference (RNAi), Genome-wide association studies, Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), Totipotent, Stem cell, Pluripotent, Gene therapy, Tramsgenic, Genetic profile, Short tandem repeats (STRs), Ti plasmid, Genetically modified organism (GMO)