Biology as Poetry: Physiology

Bacteriophage Ecology Group


Peptide hormone associated with body's absorptive state; among its many effects it stimulates uptake of glucose by numerous tissues.

The pathology involving failure to produce sufficient levels of insulin in response to higher blood glucose levels is somewhat informally described as type I diabetes. The pathology involving failure of body tissues to respond to otherwise sufficient blood insulin levels is referred to, also somewhat informally, as type II diabetes.

Video (Though focuses on insulin, this video is a good way to further introduce the idea of hormones)

Video (I spend my time watching this video wanting to hate it, but ultimately have to agree that it is a good introduction to the physiological role of insulin)

Video (The sound effects are a bit much but the visuals are pretty cool; includes a discussion to type I diabetes)

Video (Poor resolution and the sound is not well synced with the video, but nonetheless a well done and informative introduction to both insulin and type I diabetes)

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