
∞ generated and posted on 2016.08.27 ∞

Visualization of a complete set of metaphase chromosomes as derived from a single individual.

Karyotypes can be compared across species and, biomedically, can be used to detect chromosomal abnormalities as well as the chromosomal gender of individuals (i.e., what sex chromosomes they possess).

Note that individual chromosomes will vary, within a species, in terms of their size, banding patterns following staining, and location of the centromeres. The total number of chromosomes as well as chromosome types will be constant within a species, however, barring abnormalities. In addition, the total number of chromosomes will be twice as great in the diploid cell versus a haploid cell, though the total number of types of chromosomes will not differ between diploid and haploid cells, except in terms of sex chromosomes.

Humans possess 22 different types of chromosomes, known as autosomes, that are in addition to the Xand Y sex chromosomes. A haploid human cell will contain 23 chromosomes whereas a karyotype, again barring abnormalities, will possess 46 chromosomes.
