Means by which bacteria may be protected that involves induction of prophages by a portion of a colony.
In the case of lysogen allelopathy, the resulting can be viewed as the equivalent of "living" bacteriocins. That is, as released from , they not only can potentially kill nearby bacteria but they also can potentially replicate in association with those bacteria, producing yet additional .
As is often the case with bacteriocins, the producing bacterium dies, thus requiring an argument for inclusive fitness for this to be viewed as a bacterial strategy and/or adaptation. Indeed, it would be perhaps most reasonably within the context of clonal bacterial that this strategy would be most advantageous to bacteria.
As a , and to a degree demonstrating the of from their hosts, note that one outcome of this effort can be the formation of lysogens in bacteria that thereby also would be able to display lysogen allelopathy.
This effect too can be seen with bacteriocins, though the horizontal gene transfer in the case of lysogen alleloopathy is both (likely) more efficient and occurs explicitly within the context of display of the phenotype.
Note, among other things, the absence of use of the actual phrase, "Lysogen allelopathy" , in the following quote:
…in following through with the bacteriocin analogy, bacteria in flxed are competing as colonies, so that the density constraints on the advantages of the allelopathy resulting from the release of may be considerably less than those in (Reeves, 1972 ; Chao and Levin, 1981 ). In these fixed habitats, free phage would be released by lysogenic colonies and diffuse into the surrounding medium, As a result, the majority of in that local area would be killed, and due to their demise, more would be available for the lysogenic colonies. Thus, as is the case with bacteriocins, due to the release of lethal agents lysogenic colonies would be able to resources and produce more cells. It may well be that as a consequence of the of lysogens due to the allelopathic effects of their phage, in , temperate phage can out compete and possibly eliminate in bacterial populations of substantially higher density than they can in mass culture.
Indeed, this usage may be my own invention. Use of the phrase "Lysogen allelopathy" too begs the question of why we shouldn't also state something to the effect of "Bacteriocin allelopathay" . See thus simply .