
∞ generated and posted on 2023.05.26 ∞

The study of small organisms, particularly ones that, as adults, cannot be individually seen without magnification.

Microbiology is the study of microorganisms and microorganisms are key players in ecosystems, in the fermentation of foods (e.g., yogurt), and, perhaps most recognizably, as infectious diseases, though in fact the vast majority of microorganisms have nothing to do with disease.

The following is a list of major concepts associated with the science of microbiology:

Biotechnology, Disease principles, Disinfection, Infectious disease, Microbial pharmacology, Microbial techniques, Microorganisms, Microscopy, Virology

The following is a list of additional concepts associated with the science of microbiology:

Acidophile, Aerobe, Aerotolerant anaerobe, Alcohol fermentation, Algae, Aerobic, Anaerobe, Anaerobic, Aseptic technique, Bacteria, Bacterial growth, Bactericidal, Biofilm, Bioremediation, Budding yeast, Capnophile, Chemoautotroph, Clone, Clonal expansion, Coagulase, Colony, Culture (microbiology), Death phase, Endospore, Epidemiology, Exotoxin, Exponential growth, Extreme halophile, Extremophiles, Facultative anaerobe, Facultative halophile, Fermentation, Generation time, Germ Theory of Disease, Germination, Gliding motility, Helminth, Heterolactic, Hyperthermophile, Hyphae, Infectious disease, Lag phase, Log phase, Logarithmic decline phase, M protein, Mesophile, Microaerophile, Microbial ecology, Microbial genetics, Microorganism, Motility, Mycelia, Normal flora, Normal microbiota, Obligate aerobe, Obligate anaerobe, Obligate halophile, Obligatory intracellular parasite, Opportunistic pathogen, Organic growth factor, Osmotic lysis, Parasite, Parasitology, Pathogen, Pathogenic, Photoheterotroph, Plasmolysis, Prions, Prokaryote, Protoplast, Protozoa, Pseudohyphae, Psychrophile, Psychrotroph, Sepsis (general term), Siderophore, Specialized transduction, Spheroplast, Spore, Sporulation, Stationary phase, Sterile, Superantigen, Thermophile, Transient microbiota, Turbidity, Twitching motility, Virulence, Virology, Yeast

The following is a bit corny, superficial, and in some cases visually misleading overview of microbiology, but nevertheless not completely without merit.