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(taking of plunder or booty, e.g., predatory pracices in business)

Killing of an organism for the sake of assimilating the nutrients making up its body.

∞ BaP is brought to you by Stephen T. Abedon, Ph.D. ∞

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Predation is the killing and then consuming especially of one animal by another.

The following is further discussion of 'Predation'…

Predators in particular practice predation, though so can also omnivores. See also simply carnivore.

Predators include especially animals (e.g., secondary consumers or tertiary consumers, etc.), particularly phagotrophic protozoa, carnivorous plants, and also certain kinds of free-living bacteria (e.g., Myxococcus) and also carnivorous fungi.

Whether a parasite is also a predator depends on whether the parasite kills its victims in order to consume it, e.g., see botulinum toxin, versus inadvertently killing or not killing at all.


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– Mansfield, Ohio, and Vicinity, Various Years –