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Recombinant DNA Technology

('recombinant' refers to the combining of DNA from different organisms)

Recombinant DNA Technology

∞ generated and posted on 2022.01.24 ∞

Especially the cloning of genes to either amplify amounts of existing biological materials or to create novel biological materials.

∞ BaP is brought to you by Stephen T. Abedon, Ph.D. ∞

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Recombinant DNA Technology can be thought of as biotechnology that is based on especially gene cloning, e.g., such as the production of valuable protein products such as human insulin by creating organisms in the laboratory that literally are designed to produce these products.

See also recombinant DNA and gene cloning.

The following video provides a brief introduction to how to clone a gene:

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– Fay Canyon in the Snow, Sedona, AZ, January, 2016 –