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Vibrio Enterotoxin

(A-B toxin associated with the disease, cholera, a.k.a., cholera toxin)

Vibrio Enterotoxin

∞ generated and posted on 2016.03.18 ∞

Bacterial virulence factor that gives rise to the disease, cholera.

∞ BaP is brought to you by Stephen T. Abedon, Ph.D. ∞

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The Vibrio toxin is an exotoxin produced by Vibrio cholerae. It acts in the alimentary canal and hence is an enterotoxin. It also is an example of what is known as an A-B toxin.

The impact of exposure to vibrio enterotoxin is the secretion by cells lining the intestinal lumen of large amounts of chloride ions, resulting in substantial, watery diarrhea.


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