∞ generated and posted on 2024.12.07 ∞
Provided is a means of calculating a current/interim grade for this course as based on what you have already accomplished or instead what you hope to accomplish.
Please fill in the following blanks as appropriate, then click on the "Calculate Grade" button to, well, calculate a grade. Exam: There are four of them worth 150 points each Open: Open-note quizzes, lowest grade is automatically dropped Closed: Closed-note quizzes and ditto Comp: Comprehensive component of final exam Other: "could cover hand-in assignments, class participation, etc." Exam curve: Points potentially added to ave. non-comp exam grade For all of the above, a value of 100 means that all available points have been earned, though assessments in which extra-credit points are available could exceed 100%. All percentages are as provided by Carmen, though note that these values could be inflated if you missed quizzes but your quiz value is not yet entered into Carmen as a zero. A table for converting number grades to letter grades can be found here (you'll need to scroll down that page a bit…). That is, A = 93 to 100, A- = 90 to 92.9, B+ = 87 to 89.9, B = 83 to 86.9, B- = 80 to 82.9, C+ = 77 to 79.9, C = 73 to 76.9, C- = 70 to 72.9, D+ = 67 to 69.9, D = 60 to 66.9, and E = 0 to 59(.9). Warning: Calculated grades are in no way guaranteed. |