∞ generated and posted on 2020.03.23 ∞
Means by which oxygen is obtained by blood and carbon dioxide is excreted from blood.
The respiratory system can be differentiated into what is known as the lower respiratory tract versus the upper respiratory tract, with both consisting of numerous volumes through which air can flow in combination with various structures supporting those volumes, plus tissues that are found in the deepest portion of these volumes across which gasses can diffuse both into and out of the blood. |
The above video does a good job of tying together our studies of the cardiovascular system with that of the respiratory system, etc.
Excellent introduction to the very basics of the respiratory system.
Excellent, fast-paced introduction to the respiratory system, with consideration of exercise as well; it ends abruptly, though.
The above video provides a nice introduction to both the respiratory system and cardiovascular system.
The above video provides an overview of the respiratory system including as seen in more than just humans; there are misspeaks, though, such as the definition of bronchioles and "accommodate" instead of "acclimate".
The above video provides an overview of respiratory anatomy.
The above video is part 1 (of 2) of an overview of the respiratory system, as told mostly from the perspective of your lungs, i.e., external respiration.
The above video is part 2 (of 2) of an overview of the respiratory system, as told mostly from the perspective of your blood, including internal respiration.
The above video is another overview of the respiratory system.