Microbial Metabolism

∞ this version was uploaded on February 25, 2019 ∞

Mechanisms by which especially prokaryotic cells function.

Microbial Metabolism literally is the underlying chemical/biochemical basis for how the cells of microorganisms obtain resources, generate ATP, reproduce, etc., that is, the catabolic and anabolic underpinnings of the metabolisms of especially members of domains Bacteria and Archaea.

Above are some of the basics of what enzymes are and how their activity is controlled. Note, though, that some liberties are taken with the idea of enzyme activation. Yes, non-protein components are often needed for enzyme functioning, such as coenzymes, but in actual activation of enzymes it typically is not these things that are added but instead more minor changes to the protein, such as phosphorylation, or allosteric activation.

This is a pretty good basic overview of microbial metabolism. I recommend watching it at 1.25× or 1.5× speed.