Moscow, Russia

∞ generated and posted on 2016.11.15 ∞

Moscow, the capital of Russia, is a city of 12 million-plus people located towards the western edge of the country.

Moscow was the first visit of my first and I hope for some time only circumnavigation. My flight to was mostly empty, though I still didn't sleep enough. Indeed, the trip was broken into three major, overnight flights, all of which were empty enough that I was either isolated or otherwise had amazing leg room, all with little sleep.

Yup, the jet lag was something else. First I flew from the states to Moscow, then to China, and then back to the states. Took me weeks to recover…

But Moscow is pretty amazing. It's big, but still small enough (barely) to be walkable, at least in its center. Public transportation of course is great. The sights are wonderful.

It was cold, it was mid October, but it was bearable. Mostly the food wasn't stupendous, but we did have access to Georgian cuisine. The best part of all, though, was finally learning, more or less, how to read Cyrillic. ☺

The trip out was via Saint Petersburg. Click here to see that leg of the trip.

Photos follow…

This is the talk I gave: Temperate Phage-Encoded CRISPR-Cas as a Genetically Compact Bet Hedging Strategy.