Energy Coupling

∞ generated and posted on 2016.12.11 ∞

The idea that the products of catabolic reactions drive forward anabolic reactions.

Energy Coupling is the linkage between chemical reactions such that one reaction generates energy (that is, transforms it into a readily usable form, especially ATP) whereas the other reaction utilizes that energy or, rather, that energy drives the other reaction forward.

Particularly, it is ATP that tends to couple together catabolic reactions and anabolic reactions, where catabolic reactions break down energy sources to generate ATP (from ADP) while anabolic reactions employ ATP to build up complex biomolecules.

Figure legend: Energy coupling in organisms is typically illustrated based on the generation and hydrolysis of ATP. ATP generation is driven by catabolic reactions whereas the ATP, once produced, is used to drive forward anabolic reactions, among other things. The figure presented shows this process as stripped down as possible. Not shown, for example, is the water molecule involved in hydrolysis as well dehydration synthesis nor the inorganic phosphate (Pi) that is added to ADP to produce ATP.

Figure legend: Energy coupling in organisms is typically illustrated based on the generation and hydrolysis of ATP. Energy generation is driven by whatever an organism utilizes as an energy source whereas the ATP, once produced, is used to power the organism. The figure presented shows the structures of ATP and ADP but not the water molecule involved in hydrolysis as well dehydration synthesis, nor the inorganic phosphate (Pi) that is added to ADP to produce ATP.

More generally, exergonic reactions can be used to drive endergonic reactions.
